Whether you are a homeowner, an investor, or a buyer in the market to purchase a home, you should be aware of foundation repair issues. These problems can affect the overall value of your property and should be addressed to avoid serious future repairs.
What are the most common types of foundation problems?
Typical foundation issues include cracks, uneven floor levels, bowing walls, and buckling floors. The best way to identify these issues is to conduct a thorough inspection of your house.
The first thing to look for in a foundation inspection is vertical cracks. These cracks can be caused by the settling of your home, the shrinking of concrete and cables during different seasons or even a combination of factors.
Some foundation cracks are harmless, while others may pose a safety issue. A vertical crack that is no wider than 1/8 inch can often be sealed with epoxy or polyurethane resin, but larger cracks require a professional assessment.
If you see a crack in your home, it is imperative that you call a foundation expert for an inspection and possible repair. If the crack is larger than 1/4 of an inch, you should consider a permanent solution such as piering.
Piering is a permanent foundation repair method that uses steel posts to support your home and foundation. These piers are drilled into the ground until they reach heavy soil compact enough to support their weight before being attached to your home.
In Texas, where the climate is more prone to rain and drought, foundation problems are particularly prevalent. This is because the soil conditions respond to changes in moisture by expanding and contracting. This forces your foundation to adapt to the fluctuating moisture and can be very problematic for your home.
Depending on your soil, the type of Foundation Repair you choose can vary from simple concrete piers to helical piers. Typically, concrete piers are driven as deep as possible.
Another foundation repair option is helical piers, which are screw piles that are rotationally screwed into the soil to pull them deeper under the surface. This is a permanent foundation repair option that is especially effective for homes that can’t afford to reach bedrock.
When choosing a foundation repair company, make sure to choose one that is licensed and insured. This will help ensure that you’ll receive top quality services.
If you’re planning to sell your home, it is also a good idea to have the foundation repaired before you put it on the market. This will help you achieve a higher selling price, and most foundation companies will provide a warranty for their work that is transferable to the new owner.
Soil Reports
If the soil condition around your home has changed significantly, it is advisable to have a geotechnical engineer complete a soil report. This will help your foundation repair company determine the root of your problem and recommend a suitable solution.
Stabilization versus Raising – The decision to stabilize a house rather than raise it depends on many factors, including the age of the home, and whether it has been remodeled with finishes that a homeowner wouldn’t want to damage. This is because if you raise the house, all the work that was done to the walls, trim, cabinetry or built-ins and countertops would likely be ruined.