The Corporate Registry is a central storehouse of information for currently and formerly registered Alberta corporations, registered extra-provincial corporations, trade names (business names) and partnerships, and not-for-profit organizations. It is a government service delivered by authorized registry agents across the province. They are licensed and accredited by the Government of Alberta to review, check for accuracy, complete and enter registrations into the system on behalf of the public. Registry agents are also available to help you with business and legal advice.
Whether you are considering starting your own company or need to register the name of an existing business, there is a lot to consider. It is important to know that a registry agent can help you with your questions and ensure that your company is fully legal and operating under the right name.
The first step in incorporating is choosing the proper name. A NUANS report will search your proposed name against a database of existing names in Alberta and Canada to avoid any conflicts or confusion. After choosing a name you need to prepare the articles of incorporation and other required documents for your type of corporation. Once these are filed a certificate of incorporation will be issued and you are ready to operate.
If your business is a partnership or a not-for-profit, you may wish to register the name of your company or change an existing one. A registration is a way of officially recording your agreement to share profit or losses and assets with your partners. It is not a guarantee that you will be successful, however it provides some protection if you are sued for your business activities.
Cooperatives (co-ops) offer essential products or services like housing, food or health care and are owned and operated by their members. They are independent, democratic organizations that follow the Societies Act and have their own constitution and bylaws. Cooperatives are similar to charities, but they do not have tax-deductible status.
You can access the registry’s online business name search system, check for current information and make applications to incorporate or register a non-profit organization or trade name. However, you will need to contact a registry agent for more complex applications, like registration of a new company, changes to existing ones or for a NUANS search report.
Registry agents are also available to assist you with your personal property (lien) searches and transfers, personal identification card applications, driver’s licence renewals, standard and commercial vehicle abstracts, interlock application, replacement of lost or stolen licence and out of province and out of country licence exchange. They are able to complete these transactions on behalf of the Government of Alberta for a fee. They also provide advice on legal issues and can complete notary work, including preparing documents for signing and stamping. For more information visit the Service Alberta website. There are 3 levels of service for registry agents – basic, standard and premium. The fees vary from one agent to the next and are in addition to a Government of Alberta fee for some transactions.