What You Need to Know About Tire Repair

Tires are expensive, and when punctured or inflated incorrectly they can be dangerous. Having your tires repaired by a trained technician ensures they’re safe and provides you with the best value.

Whether you hit a pothole or run over a curb and puncture your tire, it is important to have it repaired as soon as possible. Not only can a punctured tire cause loss of air pressure, it also causes progressive damage to the cords within the tire and ultimately shortens its life.

A Tire Repair is a basic flat tire fix that includes plugging the punctured area and re-vulcanizing the rubber. A professional technician will first remove the damaged tire from the wheel assembly and thoroughly inspect both inside and outside of the tire, to make sure the puncture area is small enough to be repaired. The puncture area must be free of any debris or damage to the inner liner of the tire.

The technician will then prepare the tire to receive the repair unit by removing any foreign material and cleaning and buffing the rubber surface. This process allows for maximum adhesion of the repair unit to the tire’s inner liner. A one or two piece repair unit is then installed into the puncture area and a sealant is applied to the inner liner of the tire. Once the sealant dries and the repair is trimmed, a vulcanizing fluid is then applied to the injury area and the tire is then remounted on the rim and inflated.

A tire patch-plug is the most preferred puncture repair method of most tire manufacturers. It consists of a patch with a mushroom-like plug mounted in the center. The technician may need to drill the puncture hole to widen it so the plug will fit in. Once plugged, the tire is patched around it and then vulcanized, making this the most secure and longest lasting flat tire repair method.

There are some punctures in your tires that will be unrepairable, even by a professional. The most common is a large puncture from a nail. If the puncture is near a sidewall or on the shoulder of the tire, it is generally considered unsafe and should be replaced. Also, many tire repair shops will not attempt to repair a puncture that is outside the tread area of the tire, as doing so could jeopardize the safety of the tire.

Using a can of tire repair sealant is a quick and inexpensive way to temporarily fix a flat. However, it is recommended that you visit a tire repair shop for a permanent solution, as this method does not stop any progressive damage to the cords and will result in the need for replacement of your tire at a much earlier time. In addition, the spray-in sealant does not fill the hole completely, leaving the potential for leaking down the road.