Muscle Movers
Our bodies are comprised of hundreds of muscles that must work in accordance with each other to allow us the movements we need. While many of these muscles are small, there are some large muscle groups that are primarily responsible for certain body movements. These major muscles are known as prime movers. They are responsible for activating many of the body’s major joints. When these muscle groups are weak, it is difficult to maintain proper movement, which can lead to injuries in other muscle groups. This is why it is important to regularly exercise your prime movers.
Exercise helps to strengthen your mover Muscle Movers LLC Las Vegas and increase their elasticity. This allows you to move better and prevents stiff muscles, joints and back problems. The best way to strengthen these muscles is through regular cardiovascular and strength training exercises. Exercise that requires a lot of mobility (like running, swimming and hiking) is also beneficial to these muscles.
Other than moving, you can use these muscle groups to open doors and lift things. These muscles are referred to as stabilizer muscles and are essential for maintaining healthy body movement. Exercises that challenge these muscles include balance exercises, stability balls and core exercises.
If you are not using these muscles regularly, they will be tight and less effective at their jobs. This can cause joint pain and even contribute to a stiff spine. This is why it is so important to use these muscles throughout your life.
In some joints, there is only one prime mover. For example, the knee has two prime movers: the quadriceps is in charge of knee extension and the hamstring is responsible for knee flexion. The rest of the muscles are called synergists because they work in conjunction with the prime movers to stabilize the movement and provide additional resistance.